My clients and I are celebrating huge milestones each month in our businesses...

& it is not because they found some magical strategy. 

Nope - it is because they found the magic within themselves!

They harnessed the POWER & PASSION of their NEXT LEVEL SELF. 

The person that got you here today is not the same person that gets you to the next level. 

Whether you are sitting here reading this and have made no money, or you desire a 6-figure,  7-figure or even an 8-figure business

Getting uncomfortable,

developing new habits,

becoming and transforming

into the next level version of yourself is...

A coach once told me...

"The Alyssa you are today does not get you to Next Level Alyssa..."

And I thought - well who do I need to become then?

What does Next Level Alyssa Look like?

This idea of becoming someone new who creates the freedom, wealth, happiness, health that I desire really resonated with me. 

But how was I going to do it?

How would I KNOW who I need to become and become her in real time?

I thought damn if I'm struggling with this process then other entrepreneurs must be too. 

I worked on this same thing with my HIGH level clients

Some of the Elite in the virtual business space 

They agreed...

They knew that the version of them today would not suffice to becoming that next level version they desired.  

So me being me...

I created an action strategy to becoming this person. 

I lead my mastermind through the process of becoming
their next level selves in REAL time. 

& They freaking loved it. 

They said it was the most profound and powerful exercises they had ever done. 

So for the first time I am releasing this strategy to the PUBLIC.

This very exclusive training is now available

We Will...

  • Create the version of you, that you desire to be.
  • Put pen to paper and create the contract with your soul. 
  • Decide to create a life and day that represents the next level self. 

Just to recap so you know EXACTLY what you will get:

Module 1

Create The Contract with Your Soul

Step by step process on how to visual and create the life you want and desire and making it all non negotiable. The process that helped me dramatically change the way I look at my business today and one of the most profound systems I have ever implemented with my clients. 

Module 2

Making Your Next Level Self 
Non- Negotiable aka Making Discipline feel SEXY AF

Practical advice on collapsing time to create the life you desire in 10 years happen today. This is about looking at your life, calendar, schedule and decide if you are ACTUALLY taking action to becoming the NEXT level self you desperately want to be. 

Module 3

Aligned AF: Deciding that alignment will ultimately create the most wealth and abundance in your life.

With out alignment you are creating resistance to becoming next level self. Removing the fears around a shift or pivot in your energy and intentions about business, life, or otherwise. 


Living Life on High Speed

 Time Hacking Audio Training to shift from "I do not have enough time" to being productive AF. This is how I do things faster than most. Why I take massive, imperfect action and always get results. I tell you how to thrive under high pressure. 

All the Things Audio Training

How I get all the shit done. Creating time and deciding what needs to get done and what has to go. Adjusting your life and calendar & make a huge shift to focus on what actually matters. 

Dialing in Attraction: Decide, Surrender, & Take Aligned Action
Audio Training

Walks you through shifting your mindset about what is considered "hard". What needs to be hard, and deciding that it gets to be easy! Surrendering to the idea of choosing to take inspired action, based on excitement! 

Module 1: Create The Contract with Your Soul

Module 2: Making Next Level Self Non- Negotiable

Module 3: Aligned AF

Bonus 1: Living Life on High Speed

Bonus 2: All the Things Audio Training

Bonus 3: Dialing in Attraction Audio Training

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

($97 Value)

($97 Value)

($97 Value)

Total Value: $685

Today's Price $197: $27

Take a look at what other people are saying!
It's not just ABOUT the strategy. 
It's about the vision.

The vision of who you desire to be.

Its about DECIDING you are becoming that person!!

Its about surrendering to the idea that its happening in real time
Its about the aligned action to get you where you want to go
🖋Having a plan and knowing exactly where you are going
& applying the strategy to that vision 

It is the same reason you might do the same EXACT steps I take in my business and get different results. 

Ever wonder: "WHY am I doing the SAME thing as Alyssa, and she got a different result than I have??"

This is the work 👩‍💻

This is the work required to become YOUR next level self. 

It is important to understand that our journeys are not linear. 

It is important that you understand that the same thing that got me here will not get you here. 

❌Stop getting screwed by the FOMO y'all!!

🌟It is time that you take your journey into your own hands. 

❌Stop looking for someone else to give you that magic pill.

🌟It is time that you discover the magic inside of you. 

Because that is the stuff that will get YOU to that next level. 

It is the UNSEXY work required. 

But living your best life 🌟

Celebrating with champagne 🥂

Vacationing with my family 🏝

Shopping for my dream home 🏡

That is the SEXY life. 

& my love, it is up to you to go grab it

Your time is now

Stop making excuses

Let's start making money. 
If you are still not sure this is for you please reach out to my team at with any questions at all! We would be happy to help you make an informed decision. 

Disclaimer: I DO NOT Guarantee results.
I cannot make anyone do the work.

All Rights Reserved © Alyssa J Dillon, Inc. 2020